How to use QuickBooks for better results?
QuickBooks is a wonderful Accounting Software which is very much easy to use, efficient, have great accounting reports and…
Benefits of Outsourcing Accounting
Outsource accounting is a simple idea to understand. You hire a third-party organization to manage your business’s affairs instead of …
Cash Flow – Single Most Important Report
Do you want to know the single most important report for your company, which can reflect in what direction it is heading to? Then this article is for you
Rent Agreement Of Vacant Land
There are some of the legal requirements for a vacant land rent agreement to follow when renting a property or taking one on rent. It requires that all the leave and license agreements must necessarily be stamped and registered. While this is still the general guideline, the pricing and laws differ depending on the state in which you want to lease a property.
HUF – All You Need To Know
HUF means Hindi Undivided Family, which is governed under the Hindu Law Board. It includes Sikh, Jain, or Buddhist families also. A HUF consists of all persons lineally descended from a common ancestor, Karta, and also the wives and daughters of the male descendants.