भाडेकरुंच्या पोलीस पडताळणी बद्दलच्या कायदेशीर तरतुदी

Police Verification Of Tenant

Reading Time: 2 minutes कायद्यानुसार घरमालकाने भाडेकरूची योग्य ती पोलीस पडताळणी करून घेणे हे अनिवार्य आहे. जर या कायद्याचे पालन न झाल्यास त्या व्यक्तीला एक महिन्याचा कारावास किंवा २०० रुपयांचा दंड इंडियन पेनल कोडच्या सेक्शन १८८ प्रमाणे भोगावा लागेल. इंडियन पेनल कोडच्या सेक्शन १८८ प्रमाणे एखाद्या व्यक्तीने कायद्याचे पालन न केल्यास त्या व्यक्तीवर कायदेशीररित्या कारवाई होऊ शकते.

Accounting In Xero Software

Cloud Accounting Xero

Reading Time: 2 minutes Xero software is a cloud-based accounting platform which is already popular in countries like U.S, U.K, Australia, etc. is getting popular in India. Softwares like xero which are cloud based will slowly change how the accounting is done in India. Lets take a dive on how it works.

Difference In Indian & US Accounting

Difference In US & Indian Accounting

Reading Time: 3 minutes The main difference in both accounting is the accounting standards. Indians use IFRS or IND AS while in USA follows US GAAP. Apart from this their are major differences between both which we have tried to jot down in this article.

Accounts Outsourcing To India – A Beneficial Affair

Accounts Outsourcing To India

Reading Time: 3 minutes Accounting is the basis for any business to keep track of their business financial operations. It helps to analyze the entity’s financial statements and maintain better control over the cash flow.It is good to have an in-house accounting team for accounting, but for small and medium-sized enterprises, it can be expensive to take care of their company’s accounts. Therefore, outsourcing accounting to India can considerably save time, effort, and costs.

Accounting in QuickBooks

Quickbooks Accounting

Reading Time: 3 minutes Quickbooks is an accounting software for small and medium-sized businesses. It offers various versions for manufacturers, wholesalers, freelancers, professional service firms, contractors, non-profit entities, or any industry, including restaurant, retail, construction, legal, and more.Moreover, Quickbook versions are also available in many different markets such as Canadian, British and Australian.

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